10 great Mexican restaurants across the USA

10 great Mexican restaurants across the USA
Originally published in USA Today.com
In a city where Tex-Mex is practically a food group, Sylvia’s Enchilada Kitchen in Houston offers a fresh and memorable take on favorite dishes. Jane Butel, author and director of a cooking school in New Mexico, singles out owner Sylvia Casares for making a royal dish out of the humble enchilada. ‘She believes in doing things properly. She still uses chile pods and simmers them a long, long time.’
1:04 p.m. EDT May 3, 2013
Mexico celebrates Cinco de Mayo Sunday to commemorate a military victory. But here, it’s an excuse to head out for tacos, margaritas and other Mexican favorites. Author Jane Butel, who runs a cooking school in New Mexico, says the cuisine is among the USA’s most popular. “It has a lot of snappy flavors you don’t get in American cooking. It’s like a fiesta in your mouth.” She shares some eateries to mark the holiday with Larry Bleiberg for USA TODAY.
While there’s incredible Tex-Mex served across the Lone Star State, Butel singles out owner Sylvia Casares for making a royal dish out of the humble enchilada. “She believes in doing things properly. She still uses chile pods and simmers them a long, long time.” Along with familiar cheese and meat enchiladas, the menu also features calabacitas (a blend of squash and vegetables) and a special spinach enchilada with a bit of cheese. 713-334-7295; sylviasenchiladakitchen.com